We are specifically looking for a champagne or wine for the end of season 2, episode 1. DeeDee (played by Natasha Coppola-Shalom) stands on the bar and toasts Pete (played by Stink Fisher) on the opening of The Pink Elephant. She gives a heartwarming speech and will be holding the bottle. Fee-based placement.

There are plenty of opportunities for other products and businesses. We can write virtually any product into this show. Just contact us with interest!

  • : "New Dogs, Old Tricks" is a new half-hour series that follows the very realistic, very funny and very relatable lives of Danny Barker and Sarah Dawson- a new couple trying to navigate through college while dealing with surrounding conflicts of classes, social lives and other responsibilities to make it into true adult life in one piece.
  • : Candice Cain
  • : 631.606.3456
  • : Production@Gemellifilm.com
  • : production
  • : Amazon Prime Video
  • : Wine, Champagne, School Supplies.... We can work virtually any product into the show
  • : 9/24/19
  • : Cody Calafiore, Clayton Snyder, Shelley Regner, Al Sapienza and many others
  • : college, campus, school, alcohol, beer