We are looking for Hydraflask Specifically as it is scripted. We are also interested in candy, snacks, chips, pop, juice, alcohol (beer, spirits etc). We are also looking for a business desktop phone that has a small digital screen or none at all but has speakerphone capability to dress into our standing sets (Video Store front floor, manager’s office, lunch room) as well as small countertop appliances for the luncheon. Interested in watches, sunglasses/glasses and backpacks/bags for cast as well. This will be a joint effort between Props and Set Dec. Thank you!
- : Comedy series on Netflix about the last Blockbuster Store left.
- : Patti Wilson - Props
- : 604-562-3384
- : thatyvrpropgirl@gmail.com
- : property_department
- : NBC Universal/Netflix
- : Hydra Flask, Business Desktop Phones, Candy, Snacks, Drinks (Non Alcohol and Alcohol), Watches, Sunglasses, Glasses, bags, backpacks for cast. Small kitchen countertop appliances.
- : Hydra Flask
- : Go to camera Feb 28, Shoot in Vancouver, BC
- : Randall Park, rest of cast TBD.
- : Appliances, food, pop, juice, alcohol, beer. watch, glasses, sunglasses, bags, backpacks, water bottles, candy, snacks, spirits