Productions and agencies representing productions can now post their potential placements!
By Choosing the POST YOUR PRODUCTION page productions may enter a blog seen only by our ERMA Members!
Please take a moment and sign in on the widget in the right sidebar: USER = Production Password = erma (Be sure to answer the math question!)
- Project Name – Required Field
- Placement Type (or promotional type) – Required Field
- Logline: The basic premise of the project – Required Field
- Network or Distributor – Is it NBC? Fox? Sony? SPE? Disney, etc.
- Contact Name – Who should we contact?
- Department – What Department is this for?
- Phone# – Should we contact you by phone?
- E-Mail Address – Should we contact you by E-mail?
- Product or Brand – Are you looking for a particular BRAND (Levi, Ford, etc.) or just a particular Item (computer, beer, etc.)?
- Let Us Know – Give us a brief idea how the product will be used or anything you would like us to know!
- Expiration Time – Please put an end time to your request! Required Field
- Add a Key Word – Our members will search to see if any requests meet their client’s products so here you can add alternate “Tags”
- ATTACHMENT BUTTON – You can upload photos, script pages, synopsis, or other materials!
- Press the Submit Button and you’re on your way!